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How To Write A Great Obituary

What does it take to write a great obituary? To us, it takes including more than just the basics—the dry details about a loved one. It means including the rich details and anecdotes that made each individual especially loved. It involves not only including basic facts, but also colorful, engaging specifics.

Why does #writing a great #obituary matter? Well, an obituary will ultimately serve as a lasting #legacy for your loved one—a record future generations will be able to look up and #reflect upon. A great obituary documents an individual’s #history in a compelling way.

At the end of the day, it is up to you how you preserve your loved one’s #story in their obituary. We recommend including the following details.

Basic Details:

· Age upon death

· Birth year

· Date of date

· Place of residence at death

· List of survivors

· Those who preceded in death

· Funeral arrangements and internment details

Additional Details that Will Make the Obituary Great:

· Information from childhood

· Information from young adult life

· Hobbies

· Community, philanthropic, or church involvements

· Job or career information

· Personal and professional accomplishments

· Information on their character and impact


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